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Ngày tham gia: 23-04-2021 14:18:30
All product in the shop are in stock,if no stock,we will contact you within 24 hours.☚😋❤delivery:from the date we shipped out,delivery need 1 weeks,around 5-10 days,if more than 14 days,pls let me know. ❤ 1️⃣pick coupon .😋😋😋Enjoy the discount! 2️⃣cash on delivery. Shopee official contact information ☀@Shopee ☀℡ Shopee Phone:19001221 ❤ Logistics official contact ☀@GHTK Web: ☀℡ GHTK Phone:1800.6092 If you do not receive the product, call GHTK
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