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Ngày tham gia: 01-06-2021 13:36:20
Welcome to bai round 3c store High quality, professional, price diskount for mobile phone accessories wholesalers Specializing in various brand types of protector, mobile phone shell, charging line, lens stickers and accessories wholesale Factory direct sales, most products for the lowest price of the net, welcome petty buy, wholesale trade, wholesale province-wide, large quantities to diskuss Store order amount compact $100 and above shipment (thank you) Laer's-value girl 9-16 days arrival-----Sea express delivery (7-11 or family girl) 6-10 days or so------Aviation logistics Store shenzhen merchant shipping (no urgent order) please select the girl according to your own demand, thank you~ The delivery of packages by sellers is carried by the official logistics of shrimp (time limit is not our individual seller's control) Due to the insuperability of factors leading to logistics aging problem, do not give negative comments, thank you for inclusion and consideration. --------------------------------------------- After-sale protection is provided for all goods sold. if damage is received, it affects normal use. Please contact the editor to deal with direct negative evaluation default after sale warranty, do not use negative evaluation as communication, thank you --------------------------------------------- Store all the way monitor shipment, any record can be investigated at any time, cheater please bypass~
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