2021The New Spring Season Small Black Dresses Vintage V-neck Dresses Corduroy A-line Dresses with waist tucked look slim

1 Đánh Giá
1 Đã Bán
165.542 đ

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thứ ba 11/01/2022 lúc 07:19 CH

Category supplies:On-2016
Main Image Source:Official Image
Style:OLD Again
Patterns:Pure colors
Inventory types:All Unique
Style:Basic model
Shape combination:One piece
Long skirt:Long skirt
Model Skirt:Letters
Collar Type:VC Shirt
Pattern sleeves:Usually sleeves
Sleeve length:Long sleeves
Lower waist:High waist
Clothing Placket:Chest
Common Factors:Stitching,Other
Listed Year/Season:2020 Fall Season
Fabric Name:Corduroy
Main composition of fabric: Polyester fibers
Main fabric composition of content:30%-50%
Main composition of fabric2:Polyester fibers
Main fabric composition2 Quantity:51%-70%
Component material: Polyester yarn
Material composition and content:51%-70%
Is the inventory:Is an inventory
Number of posts:2005--558
Main fabric of origin with imports:No
There is foreign trade:is a
There are cross-border exports Dedicated to supplies:is a
Type design:Travel temperament
Cross Border Weight Pack:0.28 kg
Unit Weight:0.3 kg
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【Buyer Notes】
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Tham gia: 04-05-2021

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